MMmmm Noooodles
Nothing like a good bowl of Bob the Builder noodles with sauce.
Jay has been feeding himself for quit some time now but he hasn't really been getting the hang of the fork and spoon we got him...he's played around with them and kinda figured that he can stick them in his mouth, but there's something that goes wrong between bowl and mouth, the spoon seems to flip before he gets to his face!
Well just recently he's mastered (i use that term loosely) the spoon!

What a cutie.. He has gotten so big! He still has gorgeous eyes! ;)
What a mess!!!
Conner hasn't mastered the spoon yet. Although he has to be holding on to a spoon whenever he eats. Silly boy!
That is the cutest face I think I have ever ever seen!!
You've been tagged on my blog if you have some time to complete it.
*sigh* sweet little man Jay... how could you NOT fall in love with that face? Such a cutie Erin... I know you're proud! :)
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