On Labour day, Mom, Dad, Jay and myself took off for a day at the Toronto Zoo.
The day started off quite nicely, we had to wait to park waaaay out in the boonies because everyone else in the city had the same idea as we did ;)

First thing we did when we got IN the gates was rest, because the walk from the parking lot to the front was exhausting enough :) Mom and I went straight to the gift shop to get Jay a hat, because being the forgetful mother that I am...I didn't bring a hat with us

Jay was thrilled to just peer through the glass and stare at all kinds of animals, the first stop was the monkey 'cage' and although we didn't get many good pics of the animals, I wanted to make sure to get MY little animal's reactions :)

Mommy and Jay just outside one of the first cages...the only pic we have of us together that day...its all good though ;)

Jay checking out the infamous 'foot' I have pics of myself at a young age also totally interested in the same 'foot'

Pointing out the toes

Man it is HOT in the 'rainforest'

More feet to point at

Outside the elephant exhibit...It became much too hot for pants at this point

Running through a big empty log...Jay was happy to just sit in the middle where it was shady and cool...he became a road block to the other kids, and wasn't too happy when we had to go on to the next exhibit.

On Opa's shoulders, a great ride because Jay got to rest his busy little legs.


Checking out the Cheetah cage, although you can't see them, the Cheetahs are all asleep in the shade.

The Giraffes were SO close to us, it was as if we could just reach out and touch their noses :)

Very tired...nuggie, buhbuk and all...enjoying the ride

Checking out the crazy guy on stilts...Jay LOVED this :)
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