Lazy Tuesday...for him, not me.

Last night was nasty.
Jay decided he just didn't need to sleep and refused to go down until midnight, then every 2 hours thereafter he woke up screaming...and NOTHING could pacify him. Not a bottle, not a pacifier, not rocking, dancing...diaper change...NOTHING. (trust me, i exhausted every suggestion I was given).
So at 5am, tired and completely insane, I set Jay in his bed, waited until he was silent, then I turned down the volume on my baby monitor so that I wouldnt be able to hear the little wimpers...but not too much so I could still hear the cries...or so I thought.
I woke up at 7:35 to a SCREAMING baby. I said a quick prayer and went into his room, only to find him laying on his was in his ear. Poor thing. I don't know exactly how long he was crying for, but I doubt it was too long. He was just really ticked that he had a pacifier in his ear. Wouldn't you feel the same?
Anyway, so he had a big 6 ounce bottle at 7:45 and promptly passed out, COLD. He didn't wake up till about noon. How nice for him. Sigh, mommy didn't get to sleep much after that episode.
I find the most difficult thing about parenting alone (for now) is that you really don't have anyone to poke at 4am and say..."your turn"
I think I'd have a lot more sanity if I had Christopher to poke and hand off a feeding to once in a while. Getting up every 2-3 hours is NOT good on my brain. All baby and no sleep makes Erin cRaZy!!!
Mind you, when he gets back here in September, it's time to get DOWN TO BUSINESS! LOL!
I'll do the first feeding as long as he watches Jay in the morning so I can sleep in a wee little bit. Dunno if that's ever going to stick, but it's worth a try. And man, could I ever use the rest!
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