Been really busy lately

Since Chris arrived home, I've been helping my dad a lot lately with some delivery for his clients and his business. It's been nice to get out of the house and get a break, but it's also been weird and a little hard to leave Jay alone with Chris...not that Chris isn't COMPLETELY capable (which he is way more than capable), but I'm just lonely for my boy!
I get to feed my baby a lot, and we sing ourselves to sleep at night, I love to wake up and bathe him and cuddle with him, but usually from 10 am till about 3 pm I'm off with my father, helping him out and just getting errands done. Chris LOVES to be home with Jay, he calls it 'catch up time' for all the time he's missed previously. And Jay is just tickled pink with daddy, he's definetely daddy's boy. But I miss it.
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