Friday, September 02, 2005

Rough days...

We think Jay is teething. He's been very upset lately, drooling a lot, biting at things and sticking his fists in his mouth all the time. Calming him down has become a full time job. Last night around 3:30am when he woke for some food, he had a really tough time getting back to sleep.

I was going to see about trying some Baby Orajel for tooth pain, but it's not recommended until he's at least 4 months old. I feel so bad for him, it must be so rough!

On a happier note...Chris is home! We are all together again as a big happy family!

We arrived home last night (Thursday night) around 9pm, it was a rough trip, Jay wasn't too happy to be cooped up in his carseat for the long trip, and we had to make a pit stop in Cambridge (just over an hour from home) to take a walk and get him out for some stretches and fresh air.

But everyone is happy that he's home, Oma and Opa missed him so very much! We called Opa Opa (great grandpa) and Uncle Jon when we got home, and they came right over to see little Baby Jay!

It's so good to be home and back in the crib!


At 5:49 PM, Blogger sweetviolet said...

we thought violet was teething for most of her life (same symptoms) she is now 10 1/2 months old and has just barely seen the arrival of her second tooth. (long 10 months) i recommend hyland's homeopathic teething tablets (they also make a gel) there are no side effects so you can use it with a wee babe. also frozen waffles (we used the mini ones) as long as he can get hand to mouth deliberately, work quite well. also, there is a mesh feeding bag that you can put frozen berries/bananas in that he can chew on. (sassy makes one, so does one step ahead.) i hope any of this is helpful, as i've just been in the thick of it myself.


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