Awwww...He's almost one
Today we had Jay's "First Year" portraits done at Sears. They turned out 'okay' but they weren't all that great because little mister just could NOT sit still.
I think the poor lady took about 20 pics and deleted a whole bunch before we finally know, forget it...we'll choose from what you've got.
So we have a few cute ones. Jay was too hyperactive though :)
Before we left, I grabbed my camera so I could take a few shots of Jay in his outfit, but he wouldn't allow me to take any pictures, he wanted to hold the I sat him in my lap and we took a few self portraits together.
They're not great at all...they're fuzzy and the colour is bad and I look like I've been dragged through crap...but otherwise, I love them...because I rarely get any pictures of my baby boy and I together :)

He is too stinkin' cute.
I still wanna bite him.
Such a cutie!
My kids never wanted to sit still for studio pictures either.
I love that you can see his 2 little teeth!! So cute!
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