Jay and the parking garage
Uncle Jon got us the Fisher Price Little People Parking Garage for a birthday gift.
It is definetely so very cool.
Jay likes to climb on top of it, and try to balance...or he'll stick his leg through the 'elevator' and sit on the top of the garage. He then won't be able to get out and will whine until one of us comes and grabs him.
I absolutely love Little People. I remember having them as a child myself. Mind you, back in the 'old days' the little people were just wooden pegs with round heads...and I'm pretty sure those heads popped off pretty easy. My brother and I would play with them all the time.
I think it's neat that my son is playing with toys that I enjoyed as a child. Yes, I know that safety standards have changed things (and i have to admit, I really love the plastic stuff)...it's just neat to know that some toys have REAL staying power.

what an awesome toy. have you seen the little people a to z zoo. we bought that for catie but we haven't opened yet. catie loves little people also
So cute Erin, He is getting so big
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