Look at that face.

What a goregous child.
Yesterday he was having a rough time settling down, he didn't nap much, and it was beginning to show, poor baby. I went out for a little while last night while Oma & Opa watched him and I came back to this sleeping little angel!
Jay's sleeping patterns are a little weird, he is only 8 weeks old, so I'm not really interested in pushing him. He sleeps a few times during the day, depending on how he's feeling, and most of the time he gets a good 5-6 hour stretch in at night. It's getting better for me as well! I'm finally able to get more than 2 hours of sleep at a time! Last night baby boy slept from 8pm till midnight and then again from 12:30 (after a feeding) till about 4:30 and then again till 8am.
Not bad eh?
Knock on wood though, I don't wanna jinx myself by saying that! Knowing my luck, tonight will be another 'every 2 hour' spree!
AWWW!!! what a precious widdle face!! He has the biggest eyes ever, just like you erin :) I love 'em.
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