...we needed to go out to the mall in order to find a sweater for daddy and a shirt for mommy. Our Christmas portraits were coming up soon and we needed to get on the ball.
It was COLD outside. Usually Jay is okay in a jacket a hat and wrapped up in a blanket in his chair, but it was a frigid 3 degrees outside and that just wasn't going to cut it.

So out came the bearsuit...we affectionately call it the 'grumpy bear suit' because Jay is less than thrilled in it. But it does keep him warm. We just need to find some mittens, but until then we're pretty ghetto and we stick socks on his hands.

Gotta love this picture, he looks so stinking THRILLED to be in this get-up. Poor kid...the things he goes through for us.

Okay, I'm ready, lets get this show on the road!
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