First Haircut
So today was the day.
I had actually been toying with the idea of cutting Jay's hair for quite a while now...but it wasn't until last night in the bathtub while I was washing his hair, and noticing how terribly ratty and tangled it was getting that I's time for a haircut.
So, instead of dragging it out, making an appointment for next week, next year, I went in to the hairdresser that next day (today) and made an appointment for when I was finished with work.
Jay was SO good.
He kept pointing at everything, and looking around, there was just so much to look at. He loved that there was a huge mirror in front of him. He was able to stare at himself, and he thought that was just fabulous.

Really, we only took about an inch off all over, and maybe an inch & a half at the's still curly! It's just a little shorter/cleaned up.
I still have the curls...I'm thrilled. Jay looks more like a little boy than a baby anymore...which is sad, but it's a right of passage :)
Isn't it amazing how big they look after that hair cut. I need to get Jonathan's first cut too. His is getting tangly in the back too. I just hate to let go of his baby-ness right yet.
he is so cute. he is getting so grown up looking
So CUTE!!!
I hope you saved a curl for your scrapbook!! :)
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