Monday, August 22, 2005

The Traumatic 2 Month Check-up and Shots!


Today we saw Dr. Lindsay for Jay's 2 month check-up...everything is GREAT! He is completely normal (of course!) 11 pounds, 6 ounces and 23 inches long. Mind you, the one thing that's over-average is the size of his head (LOL! Blame his father). He's in the 60th percentile for weight and height and the 90th percentile for head circumference.

Then came the shots.

I cried more than he did. Dr. Lindsay explained everything to me, what to expect afterwards and what to do if Jay was in pain...cold compress, some tylenol or advil for pain and/or inflamation, lots of rest and food.

Jay was okay, he was a little shocked and let out a terrified yelp at first but then he just calmed down. Leaving me to dissolve into tears.

I hate the sound of his cry. It breaks my heart into a zillion little pieces. I hate knowing my baby is in pain, even if it is for only a split second.

So we left the doctor and went to the mall so Oma could get her hair cut (which looks DEAD sexy by the way!), and he slept in his stroller, probably just tuckered out from all the excitement.

It's 6pm now, and he's had a few moments of pain, where he just started screaming, but that was remedied with a little tylenol and a lot of cuddles and rocking. He just had a big ol bottle and he's been relaxing in his vibro-chair for a little while. I'm hoping he'll take another nap, it'll help him feel better.

We'll see how he's feeling tomorrow...


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