Family Pictures?
Oh jeez.
I don't think there's anything funnier than trying to take a picture with my husband.
Chris doesn't know how to NOT be a smartass...although he's hilarious. I swear he should be a stand-up comedian or something, the things that come out of his mouth are just outrageous.
So...we got family pictures taken on Friday, we went to Sears to get some done...and of course take more pictures of my sweet baby boy.
The pictures of Jay are absolutely fabulous. He is the cutest thing ever (did you hear me...EVER.) LOL!
The family pictures, well, not so much. I mean they're okay, they're decent for public viewing but Chris and I just really don't look very great.
So, we came home...I said I wanted to try to take a few candid pics of the three of us. And since there was nobody home, I set up the timer and we took it from there.
What you see what happened:

Chris: I'm being forced into doing this so I'm gonna make stupid faces to annoy Erin
Jay: this is so awesome

Erin: Why is Chris doing 'earmuffs' to Jay?
Jay: Tee hee, this is still awesome

Chris: mission accomplished
And that, ladies and gentlemen, is why you RARELY see pictures of all three of us together.
And for good reason :P

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