In case you're wondering what the HECK "et-tet-tet" is, it's what I used to call an elephant when I was very little. I guess it was really cute...LOL!
Anyway, yesterday Chris Jay and I had a good day, a nice outing doing some stuff for Opa (my dad) and then we came home to relax. Jay and I were in the middle of watching our daily dose of Oprah when Oma (my mom) came home and rushed into our space carrying some stuff for Jay (as always!).
She produced this awesome aquarium light up monitor thingeemajig for Jay's crib...and this absolutely HILARIOUS elephant costume for Halloween. She said she 'couldn't resist' and that it was only 'eleven dollars, so if you don't wanna use it, it's no skin off my back'...(which kinda means, I love it, wear it, if you don't, I'll be crushed).
So...in true mommy fashion, I zipped Jay into the costume and all of a sudden, this little boy emerged, the most perfect little elephant there ever was!
Chris got a good kick out of it too!
I have to admit, I do like the costume, but I am kinda hung up on getting him a shark costume. But I guess that all depends!