Tuesday, January 31, 2006


Christina tagged me!
She totally took this off of Heidi Swapp's Blog - What better person to steal from, right?!?!

Four jobs you’ve had in your life: Dental Technician (for my dad's company), Corporate Secretary (Fifth Third Bank), Customer Service Rep (Insurance Agent...my mother in law's company), Caffeine pusher (Country Style Donuts), Janitor
Four movies you would watch over and over: Moulin Rouge, Ferris Buellers Day Off, Breakfast Club, Spaceballs & Shrek
Four places you have lived: Ontario, Michigan, Nebraska, England...there and back again :)
Four TV shows you love to watch: Friends, O.C, CSI:vegas, TLC's What Not To Wear, Oprah
Four websites you visit daily: Remember the Moments, Two Peas in a Bucket, Homestar Runner, MySpace
Four of your favorite foods: Lasagna, Nachos, Greek Salad, Chicken Salad Sandwiches, Chicken Noodle Soup
Four bloggers you are tagging: oy vey... uh... Rachel, Lizz, Elisabeth, Stephanie, Kristin

Monday, January 30, 2006


Can you see them?
Jay now has two bottom central incisors! He's also working pretty hard on the uppers, and soon enough I'm sure we'll have a little 'beaver' with those funny little chompers! I took a few pictures of Jay just smiling, I wanted to see if I could get some really good pics of his chompers, but I don't think they're *that* visible yet!
Anyway, he's cute none the less, so the pics were worth it, even if there are no toofers showing!
So yeah, January 30th, 2006...Jay gets his second tooth! YAY! My little one is growing so fast!

Cuddling with Jay

Everyone loves to catch some cuddle time with our little beast. We were at Opa's home this past Saturday for family dinner, and Jay started to get 'tired'...so I went with him into Opa's room to lay down and try to rest.
After about 15 minutes of wide awake baby, Chris came in to check on us and found us both just laying there, wide awake, but very tired. He had to get some smooches... Then he took a couple pics of Jay and I lazing around together.
After about 30 minutes of 'trying' to get Jay to go to sleep, we brought him back out to the living room and Opa got his hands on him.
Look at this tired baby...he was FIGHTING sleep!
So Opa took him back to the bedroom for a nap, and as luck would have it, both Opa and Jay fell asleep and napped for almost an hour! Thank goodness someone got him to sleep!

Saturday, January 28, 2006

Can you handle the tooth?

On January 25th, Jay broke his first tooth! YAY!
It is a bottom left central incisor, and he's just having the time of his life biting daddy and I with it.
I doubt you'll be able to see it, but this pic *kind* of shows ya the little teensey toofer. And I just added this next pic because he looks too cute...as always! LOL!

More fun with Peas

Not that we don't have enough pictures of Jay getting messy with food...here's the newest additions :)

Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Reading is FUN!

This book is one of Jay's favourite books.
(the other one has a detachable chicken, so it's by FAR the bestest)

Jay loves to chew on this book...and there are actually little shape pieces that go into each page, but Jay was picking them out and chewing on them. The pieces were covered in paper, so he was actually sucking off and chewing on the paper. I rescued the pieces from the book and I tried to get the paper off by soaking them in boiling water, which was fine...it got the paper off, but now I have to deal with this nasty adhesive. Yuck. So, I'm afraid this book might be without the pieces until I figure out a way to completely remove that adhesive.


Daddy and Jay after Bathtime!

Just a few pictures of my extremely handsome men!
Don't you just wanna smooch up that little belly? He's so round and squishy! LOL!

Getting Caught Up!

We took Jay to see the doctor again today...we had taken him 2 weeks earlier for his shots, but he had a mild ear infection so we had to wait. His shots went fine, he's grown a bunch, he's now 18 pounds, 6 ounces, and 29 inches long. But, I've been very worried about his coughing lately so I've been insisting on some kind of answers. I've taken Jay to the clinic and now the doctor twice for some kind of answer, and it seems that Jay could have a bit of asthma. His breathing is NOT so great, and his coughing and wheezing scares the life out of me.
Anyway, so the doctor gave us a prescription for an asthma puffer and a breathing chamber for him. We're supposed to give him 1 puff twice a day, for almost 2 months. We will go back on March 6th and see if the situation has improved.

So that's that.

Rachel saved the day!

Thanks so much for fixing my blog and helping me out!



Monday, January 23, 2006

I got tagged!

Christina tagged me! I am feeling the love....The rules for this particular tagging are as follows:
Remove the blog name in the top spot from the following list and bump everyone up one place. Then add yourself to the bottom slot.

Steph and Kristin
Erin (sparkly)

Then you get to select five people to pass the love on to:


Here are the questions.

What were you doing 10 years ago?I was 16…in highschool, and it was probably exam week

What were you doing 1 year ago?Being pregnant and lonely away from my husband. Working for my dad.

Five snacks you enjoy (in no particular order, as all snacks are created equal)
Cool Ranch Doritos
McCain Chocolate Cake
My sister in law’s cookies (Jaime)
Teddy Grahams
Nachos & Cheese dip

Five songs to which you KNOW all the lyrics
(they’re all beatles tunes, are you surprised?)
Yellow Submarine
Eleanor Rigby
Let it Be
Day in the Life

Five things you would do if you were a millionaire
Pay off all my bills, all my parents bills, all my brothers’ bills
Go to school
Send my hubby to school
Put away a pile of cash for Jay’s schooling
Go on a ridiculously expensive cruise

Five bad habits
Spending money.
Mis-managing money.
Being ANAL about everything
Biting my fingernails and biting off hangnails (eeeewwww)
Munching and snacking LATE at night

Five things you like doing
Playing with Jay
Taking photos
Spending time with Chris
Talking/Keeping in touch with friends

Five things you would never wear, buy, or get again
I would never buy a Ford again
I will NEVER wear knee-high stripper boots (it was a phase)
I will never again dye my hair pink
I will never skimp on good diapers and buy costco brand
I will never eat day old donuts (eww)

Five favorite toys
Scrapbook stuff…my sizzix, my xyron, my stamps…etc
My camera
My VIDEO camera
My mp3 player
My car

First time you got kissed: How was it?It stunk. It was really really anti-climatic. You always put your ‘first kiss’ on this crazy pedestal and when it’s not as good as you hope it’ll be, it just kind ruins it for ya.

First time you drove a car: What kind of car?The first car I drove was my dad’s Geo Prizm…it was a bucket of fun.

First time you scrapbooked: When you look at your page do you love it? No, I really didn’t love it at all. I was trying to be something I wasn’t and I went after this style that was COMPLETELY not my own…it looked AWFUL, but I still have the page and I look at it sometimes to kinda remind me of how far I’ve come

First time you went on a date: I don’t think I’ve really ever ‘dated’

First time you fell in love: How did you know? I just knew…it’s hard to explain

First time you cooked for someone: Was it yummy? What did you make? I made spaghetti…which is really hard to screw up. It was yummy yummy!

First time you got on a plane: Where did you go Were you scared?I first flew when I was about 18 months old. I think the next time I flew I was about 13, we flew to Florida and it was GREAT!

First time you shaved your legs: Did you cut yourself?Oh YES. OUCH!

First time you put on make up: Looking back how did you do? Did you look good or like a clown?I was wearing frosted pink lipstick, peach blush and cakey old foundation and purple sparkly eyeshadow.

First time you moved out of your home: Was it an apartment, house, etc? Dorm…and then to an apartment

Thursday, January 19, 2006

Jay in his "Bumbo"

So this is the 'big thing' for babies. This chair is sold out all over the place, and I just happened to get my hands on one. Anyway, it's really for younger babies that can't sit themselves up on their own yet (which Jay is still kind of struggling with)...but it's a really comfy chair, it's good for their backs and it's cute...and Jay loves his.

So here are a few pics of my little "Beast" in his Bumbo

Monday, January 16, 2006

Little Red

Hi there!
I thought you might like to see some pictures of my little beastie!
I mean, of course that's the ONLY reason you come to this blog in the first place :)

I took this pictures earlier this evening of Jay right after his bath.
I wanted to take a few pics so that I could play around in Photoshop with them and maybe make up some Valentines cards.

My personal favourite...He's being such a little flirty beast...those big blue eyes are enough to melt you in your tracks!
My silly sweet beast, growling and playing around. I think this picture would be best with some little devil horns!
Sweet cuddly boy, isn't he just the cutest?
Here he is starting to get a little annoyed with me and not paying all that much attention
He has started to roll around a lot, and I have to keep moving, I'm standing above him in this picture...
He's trying to hide from me in this one, and attack the pillow too! He loved that pillow, it was so soft!
No, the picture isn't upside down...I am. He kept wiggling around so much that I had to jump around all over the place to keep up with him!

And that's it! I'm going to get into Photoshop and have a little fun messing with these!

Hope you enjoy


Sunday, January 15, 2006

Cutie Patootie in his outfit that I LOVE!

Maybe it's the hat that I put on him, but I just absolutely love my little boy in BRIGHT colours, he just looks great in them :) I bought this little Osh Kosh outfit a few months ago and I've been just itching to put him in it. Well, it's still a little big (it's a 9 month outfit) but he looked just so goregous!

The hat is from Gymboree, and it barely fits his big ol head. But he looks priceless and perfectly cute!

The sweetest little toothless grin! He was being such a little tease with me today, he'd growl and make bubbles and coo for attention and whenever I got close, he'd try to bite my nose. Silly beast!

More Layouts...

Saturday, January 14, 2006

Bathtime is Funtime

This boy LOVES his bath.
I'll usually get him in the tub around 7:15, 7:30 every night and I guarantee that he's in that tub for almost 30 minutes. He just loves it. We get all clean and then it's playtime, he plays with whatever he wants, as long as the water stays warm...once it starts to get cool, we take him out.

And that's when the 'anger' starts.

This child is gonna be a fish. He's in love with the water, he never winces when he gets water in his eyes or anything...he's happy as can be!

Loving the LeapFrog

Here are a few pics of uncle (my brother) Jon with Jay. He was showing Jay how to use the Leapfrog. Jay was just thrilled because it made a lot of noise and he could just slam his fist on it and it would react. I think I have a bit of a violent little Beast on my hands! :)

Thursday, January 12, 2006


This has nothing to do with Jay and everything to do with my butt.

I have lost weight! I never really noticed...but I weighed myself today and I'm at 157 pounds! For me, that's dandy! I was 199 when I went to the hospital to deliver Jay and since then I've dropped over 40 pounds!


Anyway, that's all. I'm just happy...and doing a happy dance...in my old pre-pre-pre-pregnancy jeans! WOOT!

Happy Day!

Whats in a Name?

I scraplifted this layout from Nia Reddy, I saw her original in the KI Memories little book of Big Ideas.

Family 2005

Baby Jay in 'Basic Grey'

Santa's Little Helper

Black Tie Affair

Baby in a Basket

Happy Little Man

Tuesday, January 10, 2006

We just LOVE to read!

This afternoon, before our nap...Jay and I sat down for some light reading together.
We read all kinds of books...peek a boo, pat the cat, touch and feel dog and this one...

"The Shapes" book. Jay especially liked this one for it's bright colours and tasty pages. There is nothing quite like a good moutful of foamy book pages!
While watching him chew, I got a little peckish myself...

I joined in on the chewing fun...and I must say...it was GOOOOD EATIN'