Thursday, September 29, 2005


Jay is officially a 'big boy' now!

He had tried out his jumperoo a few weeks ago, but couldn't keep his head up properly without mommy's help...but today, everything was different!

He just loved his new jumperoo, at first he was a little confused, and didn't know what to do, but only one little bounce and he had the hang of it! Little bells and whistles, flashing lights and things to tinker with! Jay is in heaven.

Sunday, September 25, 2005

Big Blue Eyes


If I were any cuter...

The world would come to an end.

Saturday, September 17, 2005

Confessions of a Shutterbug

Okay, so maybe I take a lot of pictures, but can you blame me?
I want to make sure I get as many pictures of my RAPIDLY changing boy as I can!

Chris was making fun of me earlier this afternoon for taking too many pictures of Jay, so he took the camera and I asked for a picture of Jay and I together, and he just started snapping and wouldn't stop!

What you see is what happened next!


Wednesday, September 14, 2005

Been really busy lately

Since Chris arrived home, I've been helping my dad a lot lately with some delivery for his clients and his business. It's been nice to get out of the house and get a break, but it's also been weird and a little hard to leave Jay alone with Chris...not that Chris isn't COMPLETELY capable (which he is way more than capable), but I'm just lonely for my boy!

I get to feed my baby a lot, and we sing ourselves to sleep at night, I love to wake up and bathe him and cuddle with him, but usually from 10 am till about 3 pm I'm off with my father, helping him out and just getting errands done. Chris LOVES to be home with Jay, he calls it 'catch up time' for all the time he's missed previously. And Jay is just tickled pink with daddy, he's definetely daddy's boy. But I miss it.

Jay and Daddy

The other night, I caught Christopher cuddling with Jay who was just happy as PIE to be all naked except for his diaper (he is definetely a free spirited little babe). Chris was walking back and forth just singing some tunes to Jay, and Jay was babbling along with Daddy. So what do I do?

I go and grab a camera OF COURSE! I had to get at least one picture of my boys together!

Thursday, September 08, 2005

He's almost got it!

Baby Jay tried to roll over today, he was so funny, kept thrusting his legs up in the air and getting onto his side and then kinda just rolling back to where he was so cute! He was so determined, but after a few hundred tries and the constant flash of the camera (from the mamarazzi) he got frustrated, so we're going to try again later.

Wednesday, September 07, 2005

We are SO tired!

Jay is going through a growth spurt! Poor thing, growing hurts...all those sore muscles and joints, he's just not comfortable. It's been hard to get little man to nap, because he's just so squirmy and upset, but when he does nap, it looks like this...

Last night was like a dream...literally! We put Jay down at 10:45 and he slept clear through until 9am! (Okay okay, he woke up ONCE at 6am for his pacifier, but that's all!)

He's been such a little sucky sweetheart lately, just loving to be held, and he's recently gotten to the point where he loves to sit in my lap and watch Oprah with me (or any other tv show for that matter). We fell asleep today, all three of us, Christopher, Jay and myself, while watching Baby Einstein, we had a fun-filled afternoon and it just got sooo exhausting!

Tomorrow we get our chair! Chris and I have been meaning to order a lazyboy, and we finally got around to doing it, the Brick was having a 15 month no interest (blah blah) sale so we picked one out on Sunday and it'll be ready (cross your fingers) tomorrow for pickup! I'm really excited because it means a nice comfy place for me or Christopher to feed little man, and also just to hang out!

Monday, September 05, 2005

My boys out on the town

Daddy and Baby Jay decided to go for a walk together tonight and give mommy a was great!

I got some pictures of my silly duo before they took off down the street!

Labour Day Weekend

This weekend our cousin Caleb came up to visit, we had a nice Sabbath lunch as well as a family walk, just like old times! Jay enjoys his walks, especially sincen he gets lots of attention, and Mommy likes to walk FAST and that's always fun for our little man!

Sunday, September 04, 2005

We Three

This is our most recent family picture together, all three of us! It's not much, but it's a step. I'm hoping to be able to do something a little nicer in the near future, perhaps get a professional shot done. But, until then, these are the best I've got!

Friday, September 02, 2005

New Photos of Little Man

Rough days...

We think Jay is teething. He's been very upset lately, drooling a lot, biting at things and sticking his fists in his mouth all the time. Calming him down has become a full time job. Last night around 3:30am when he woke for some food, he had a really tough time getting back to sleep.

I was going to see about trying some Baby Orajel for tooth pain, but it's not recommended until he's at least 4 months old. I feel so bad for him, it must be so rough!

On a happier note...Chris is home! We are all together again as a big happy family!

We arrived home last night (Thursday night) around 9pm, it was a rough trip, Jay wasn't too happy to be cooped up in his carseat for the long trip, and we had to make a pit stop in Cambridge (just over an hour from home) to take a walk and get him out for some stretches and fresh air.

But everyone is happy that he's home, Oma and Opa missed him so very much! We called Opa Opa (great grandpa) and Uncle Jon when we got home, and they came right over to see little Baby Jay!

It's so good to be home and back in the crib!