Saturday, August 26, 2006

Cute, but bad quality

These are probably some of the cutest pictures of all time.
3 tired little children, all cozying up together on the couch to watch a little tv...probably something irritating like the backyardigans (ick).
Well, too bad the photos are SO HORRIBLE. Ugh. It makes me wanna cry to see such cute pics with such HORRIBLE exposure and no focusing skills.



Anyway, they're cute no matter how fuzzy they are.


Friday, August 11, 2006

More photos to browse through

Blogger has been irritating me lately, not letting me post pictures, so that's why there's a HUGE gap in my posts. Sorry!

Jay and Chris are getting ready to go down to Michigan for this upcoming week, we have a bunch of suitcases in the room, trying to get them both packed. Jay just wanted to ride in the suitcase.

Busy little builder