Friday, August 31, 2007

Sticker Fight :)

Chris is such a good patient daddy.
Jay had a few Cars stickers left from his birthday and I gave them to him so that he would be preoccupied long enough for me to clean out my scrap drawer.

Halfway through my endeavour, Chris whistled at me to look what Jay was doing, and I had to grab my camera.
Such a patient daddy, letting boy stick stuff to his face...LOL!

I think this look is good for Chris...what do you think?

Sweet pics

Here are some sweet as pie pics of my dad with Jay, my parents came to visit us in early August and we spent some time up at the lake house.


Jay took to giving Jaime's wall a good coat of permanent marker...he thought the white walls needed some sprucing up.


Needless to say my child is now clean, but the walls are still begging for help, we've Magic Erasered the shit out of them :D LOL!
The scene of the crime...LOL!

This is the longest I've gone without updating...

So much has gone on in the past month and a half, its been a fun summer so far, with the exception of finding out my dad has cancer, which came as a shock to everyone...totally sucks, but what can you do? I'm just frustrated cuz it seems totally unfair, but when are things like this ever fair to anyone?

Anyway...I have a pile of pics I'd love to show off, so I'll get right to that :)