Thursday, April 10, 2008
Talking Post
Ok so this post will be dedicated to me running my mouth about the last 4 months.
New Years was just like any other day, you go to bed, wake up the next day and its a new number...nothing thrilling, but that's fine with me.
January was frustrating because Chris and I spent a LOT of time apart, I was back and forth to Canada a lot and while I was up there (for a 3 week stretch) I got really really sick...and since I had Jay with me I was just absolutely exhausted. So my sweet hubby took a few days off of work and came up and helped me out and then took me back to Michigan with him. Which was a HUGE blessing.
Speaking of Michigan/Canada...we're doing the limbo thing again, which is always extra exciting (not).
I am still technically living in Canada, although I visit Michigan a LOT. "Rules" state I have to leave the country every 60 days...so I can be here 'visiting' and then leave, go back to Canada, do some things and then return. Mind you I still get a panic attack whenever I get near the border. Although there's nothing I'm doing wrong, its just a trigger and I swear it'll never go away.
Immigration is slowly progressing. We have a lawyer that is helping us out with some things. Apparently when I was forced to give up my green card a few years ago, it was done unlawfully and there's a chance I'll be able to get my green card back much easier without having to pay the astronomical $1400 fees. We pray a lot cuz that'd be a HUGE relief.
I've already made the decision when this is all over I'm just going to go for American citizenship so I don't ever have to deal with this headache again.
February was decent...cold and gross as only Michigan weather can be. Our 6 year anniversary was clouded by me being horribly sick with the flu...so we celebrated it a few days later by trying out this fabulous new Japanese restaurant/habachi grill that just opened up in Lansing. Twas EXPENSIVE but soooo very good and it was a lot of fun.
March was fun, I went back to Canada for a while to deal with some issues and start the moving process...which I swear will take forever. Ah well.
Easter was enjoyable, we had a bunch of family come to visit, Aunt Melissa, Uncle Cam and Hadley from South Carolina and Grandma and Aunt Bonnie from California. Jay was thrilled to play around with everyone and since he hadn't ever met his Grandma Mortenson it was doubley special to see them together :)
Anyway...so now it is April. The weather has DRASTICALLY improved, its been gorgeous lately and Jay and I spend a lot of time outside playing. I heard a horrifying 'rumour' that the *S* word could be heading our way this weekend...and I swear if that happens I'll cry like a baby. I need sunshine, not SNOW.
Jay has been amazing every day so far, he's such a brilliant little bug. He talks all the time, he's potty training slowly, but he's doing GREAT! His new favourite thing is to play on the computer, he's pretty good at navigating his childrens sites and he also loves to play in Paint and Photoshop (chip off the ol' block).
We're going back to Canada in the beginning of May for my 10 year highschool reunion...and from there onward, it'll be mothers day, memorial day and then into June for Jay's THIRD birthday!
I'm so excited for summer...and I swear I'll keep you posted ;)
Wednesday, April 09, 2008
Once again, I have been SLACKING
I admit I totally have SUCKED at keeping this even the slightest bit updated.
I used to be soooo good about posting almost every day and now look...almost 4 months have passed me by.
Anyway, I do have a lot to say, but its 11:30 at night and I need to get some sleep in while my son allows it...so I'm gonna just leave you with some new pictures to view...these were taken this past Saturday at the Island park in GL...ENJOY
I swear I'll update tomorrow. :D