Tuesday, March 28, 2006
Monday, March 20, 2006
Snake Charmer
Okay, so last night I was playing with Jay AND cleaning his room at the same time (multi-tasking GENIUS), and I found my old clarinet sitting in the back of the closet (Jay's room used to be mine back in highschool). So I dug it out, put the thing together and started to play a bit.
Jay LOVED it. He was hilarious. I really should have gotten some video of him laughing along to the music. He kept reaching up and wanting to grab it or take it from me...he loved pushign the 'shiny' keys and he tried to blow into the wrong end. It was so cute!

Thursday, March 16, 2006
I can't even imagine...
A fellow scrapbooker on a site I regularly visit (2peas) has just lost her daughter.
HOW can someone do this to another person? I truly do not understand how birth parents have the right to do this. I feel awful for the whole family...it is a heart wrenching situation and it makes me want to run into my baby boy's room right now and give him a big hug and kiss.
Please pray for this family.
Wednesday, March 15, 2006
Sunday, March 12, 2006
A Day at the Beach
It was a cold day...I won't fool you.
But it was a NICE cold day. Actually the weather here is at a crazy all time high...12 degrees! WOOT!
So I took Jay to the park.

We walked and swang and sat and it was fun...it got a little chillier later on, but we took off before we froze :)
Isn't he just sooo cute in the swing?
Thursday, March 09, 2006
Sunday, March 05, 2006
Grocery Store Fun!
We went to the "Great Canadian Superstore" yesterday afternoon to pick up some Tums, Tampons and a Jug for juice...fun stuff eh?
Anyway, I brought along my camera, because I originally intended to take a few photos of Chris and Jay outside, but I had to get some of little Beastie just chilling out in the cart.
We just had a good time walking around the store, killing time and staying out of the FRIGID cold weather :)
Plus, Jay was happy to be out of his 'ridiculous bear suit' for a while :)

Saturday, March 04, 2006
Sabbath School
I took my camera to church this morning, because they usually do some pretty neat things with the little ones in Sabbath school class and I know that Jay just LOVES these little pony rides and playing with the animals.
Mind you, my camera did not want to co-operate and I got some pretty crappy pics...these are really the only two that turned out.

Anyway, it'll come soon enough, but till then...I'm kind of happy with him sitting on my lap :)
Wednesday, March 01, 2006
Yay Canada!
So I'm posting these pics just a few days late, seeing as though the Olympic closing ceremonies are over...but these are just a few pics of the littlest Olympian watching his "favourite" curling team win the gold. LOL!