Friday, July 21, 2006

HI...My name is...

I attempted to spell out Jay's name on his little magnetic board and I almost got a perfect picture, except he was too interested in chewing on the magnets. This was the best I could get ... it's not great, but it's something!

I think he was just loving the fact that he was messing me up...he's such a little toot :)

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Wednesday, July 19, 2006

GO Michigan!

What a handsome little fan-boy.
He supports all the good teams :)
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Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Hey hey piano-man!

Today we were eating dinner, Jay had finished and was being cranky, so I wheeled him over to the piano so that he would be entertained for a short period while we finished our meal.

He just LOVES the piano, it's a great toy. He's actually beginning to learn to 'play' rather than bang on it all the time. (But banging on the keys makes such a cool sound)

He was entertained for a little over 30 was great!

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Saturday, July 15, 2006

Jay and the parking garage

Uncle Jon got us the Fisher Price Little People Parking Garage for a birthday gift.
It is definetely so very cool.
Jay likes to climb on top of it, and try to balance...or he'll stick his leg through the 'elevator' and sit on the top of the garage. He then won't be able to get out and will whine until one of us comes and grabs him.

I absolutely love Little People. I remember having them as a child myself. Mind you, back in the 'old days' the little people were just wooden pegs with round heads...and I'm pretty sure those heads popped off pretty easy. My brother and I would play with them all the time.

I think it's neat that my son is playing with toys that I enjoyed as a child. Yes, I know that safety standards have changed things (and i have to admit, I really love the plastic stuff)'s just neat to know that some toys have REAL staying power.

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Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Many Faces of Jay

My little one is starting to look more and more like a little boy than a baby boy.
I can see the toddler in him just dying to break out!
He's getting into so much stuff lately, he's a mischeivious little thing. He loves to see how far he can push me.

Here he is, trying to sweet talk me out of punishing him for getting into the diaper bag. Silly beast. What do you mean I can't play with the zippers? That's not fair!
Whatever mama.
Okay...where did my shirt go?
(btw: he spat water all over himself and was soaked, i'm not just torturing him for no reason)
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Monday, July 10, 2006

I love this pictures

Jay boy on the boat...
We were taking a late afternoon drive around the lake and he was just so thrilled with the water and the wind. He wasn't too thrilled with the hat, but there was no comprimising on the hat :)

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Sunday, July 09, 2006

Dual Birthday Party

We had a little joint birthday party for both Jay and Hadley on Friday afternoon.
Since the two kids are so close in age (just a little less than 2 months apart), we thought it would be nice to have a little cake and some gifts for them while the whole family was together. I look more excited than anyone else:)
Reading the birthday cards
Jay is so happy because he has some icing to lick off his hands
Oooh! How cool! Thanks Uncle Cam & Aunt Melissa!

Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Cousins are so much fun!

Jay and his cousin Hadley, playing with each other yesterday (July 4th).
These pictures are just too cute.
Don't you agree?