Wednesday, January 31, 2007
Valentines Pics Take 1
I attempted a few valentines pics...
Some are cute...but most need a bit more tweaking.
The flash is bad, Jay is too close to the backdrop (i hung it over his crib)...and although the subject is cute, it was angry and not wanting to participate...I took almost 50 pics...these are the most 'salvagable'
I'll be trying this again...and I'll show the results later :)

Monday, January 22, 2007
SCREEECH! I've been tagged ;)
Hi,I have a pretty hectic morning ahead of me, I will get back later to post an update but Ros tagged me and here are my answers.
A - Available or Taken: Taken.
B - Best Friend: Chris
C - Cake or Pie: Oooh, tough one. I'll have to plead PIE in this case :)
D - Drink of Choice: Pepsi!
E - Essential item you use everyday: The toilet...LOL!
F - Favorite Color: Blue & Green
G - Gummy Bears or Worms: Neither...:P
H - Hometown: Oshawa, Ontario, Canada...booooring
I - Indulgence: Starbucks and makeup...LOL! (but not mixed together) oh, and Gymboree for Jay
J - January or February: February, it's my 5 year anniversary this year! WOOT!
K - Kids & Names: 1 boy, Jay
L - Life is incomplete without?: Family & Friends
M - Marriage Date: Feb 9, 2002
N - Number of Siblings: 2, me and my little bro
O - Oranges or Apples: Apples
P - Phobias or Fears: Heights and Pancakes (ewwww)
Q - Fave Quote: Jeez...
R - Reason to Smile: My son
S - Season: Fall...a nice crisp fall day is PERFECT!
T - Tag 3-4 People: I'm not doing this just cuz nobody EVER DOES IT...(you know who you are...lol)
U - Unknown fact about me: I wish I could sing
V - Vegetable you don't like: Brussel Sprouts
W - Worst Habit: I bite my fingernails and cuticles when I'm nervous and it's NASTY.
X - X-rays: Oh heck yes...everywhere...especially on my legs
Y - Your Fave Food: Italian...ANYTHING italian
Z - Zodiac Sign: Capricorn
Wednesday, January 17, 2007
MMmmm Noooodles
Nothing like a good bowl of Bob the Builder noodles with sauce.
Jay has been feeding himself for quit some time now but he hasn't really been getting the hang of the fork and spoon we got him...he's played around with them and kinda figured that he can stick them in his mouth, but there's something that goes wrong between bowl and mouth, the spoon seems to flip before he gets to his face!
Well just recently he's mastered (i use that term loosely) the spoon!

Tuesday, January 09, 2007
Huge ol Update
Wow, seriously this past little while has been bonkers crazy for our family.
Christmas was wonderful, but the day after Christmas, Jay and Chris both got sick :P
Come to find out they both had throat infections and the beginnings of Strep throat :P Yuck.
Jay ran a crazy fever for 3 days...up and down and up and down, as high as 102 and as low as 95 (weird)
Anyway, just in the past few days has life been returning to normal. Jay had his 18 month check up last Friday and he's 22 pounds, 8 ounces and 32 inches tall. He's average for both weight and height, but to me, he just seems thin...I bet it's from all the running around he does. He is one ACTIVE little dude.
We also found out that he was allergic to the antibiotics we gave him for his throat...amoxocillin.
He broke out in an ugly rash, and even though it didn't seem to bother him, he was covered from tip to toe, and he looked so awful :( Poor guy :P
We're going back to see the doctor on the 24th for his shots, because he was supposed to get them last week, but since he had that rash, the doctor wanted it to go away before he gave him the shots.
Well, I haven't really taken a lot of pictures...I do have some of Jay muching on a candy cane...he didn't want to sit still for any pictures ;)

They're not fabulous pics, but they're kinda cute...gotta love a messy face :)