Christina tagged me! I am feeling the love....The rules for this particular tagging are as follows:
Remove the blog name in the top spot from the following list and bump everyone up one place. Then add yourself to the bottom slot.
Steph and
KristinChristinaErin (sparkly)
Then you get to select five people to pass the love on to:
RachelTinaPaigeLizzElisabethHere are the questions.
What were you doing 10 years ago?I was 16…in highschool, and it was probably exam week
What were you doing 1 year ago?Being pregnant and lonely away from my husband. Working for my dad.
Five snacks you enjoy (in no particular order, as all snacks are created equal)
Cool Ranch Doritos
McCain Chocolate Cake
My sister in law’s cookies (Jaime)
Teddy Grahams
Nachos & Cheese dip
Five songs to which you KNOW all the lyrics
(they’re all beatles tunes, are you surprised?)
Yellow Submarine
Eleanor Rigby
Let it Be
Day in the Life
Five things you would do if you were a millionaire
Pay off all my bills, all my parents bills, all my brothers’ bills
Go to school
Send my hubby to school
Put away a pile of cash for Jay’s schooling
Go on a ridiculously expensive cruise
Five bad habits
Spending money.
Mis-managing money.
Being ANAL about everything
Biting my fingernails and biting off hangnails (eeeewwww)
Munching and snacking LATE at night
Five things you like doing
Playing with Jay
Taking photos
Spending time with Chris
Talking/Keeping in touch with friends
Five things you would never wear, buy, or get again
I would never buy a Ford again
I will NEVER wear knee-high stripper boots (it was a phase)
I will never again dye my hair pink
I will never skimp on good diapers and buy costco brand
I will never eat day old donuts (eww)
Five favorite toys
Scrapbook stuff…my sizzix, my xyron, my stamps…etc
My camera
My VIDEO camera
My mp3 player
My car
First time you got kissed: How was it?It stunk. It was really really anti-climatic. You always put your ‘first kiss’ on this crazy pedestal and when it’s not as good as you hope it’ll be, it just kind ruins it for ya.
First time you drove a car: What kind of car?The first car I drove was my dad’s Geo Prizm…it was a bucket of fun.
First time you scrapbooked: When you look at your page do you love it? No, I really didn’t love it at all. I was trying to be something I wasn’t and I went after this style that was COMPLETELY not my own…it looked AWFUL, but I still have the page and I look at it sometimes to kinda remind me of how far I’ve come
First time you went on a date: I don’t think I’ve really ever ‘dated’
First time you fell in love: How did you know? I just knew…it’s hard to explain
First time you cooked for someone: Was it yummy? What did you make? I made spaghetti…which is really hard to screw up. It was yummy yummy!
First time you got on a plane: Where did you go Were you scared?I first flew when I was about 18 months old. I think the next time I flew I was about 13, we flew to Florida and it was GREAT!
First time you shaved your legs: Did you cut yourself?Oh YES. OUCH!
First time you put on make up: Looking back how did you do? Did you look good or like a clown?I was wearing frosted pink lipstick, peach blush and cakey old foundation and purple sparkly eyeshadow.
First time you moved out of your home: Was it an apartment, house, etc? Dorm…and then to an apartment