Wednesday, August 31, 2005
Thursday, August 25, 2005
We Are With Daddy!
Yesterday Jay and I left Oshawa around 6:30 heading to Michigan.
We had such a smooth trip!
I was amazed at how wonderful Jay was! We stopped 5 times, each time was just to have a quick bathroom break or to change a diaper or eat...Jay slept the rest of the time. He fussed a bit when we got near to the border, either cuz he felt how tense I was, or he was just annoyed that the car had stopped (he likes the constant movement).
The border was no big deal. It was easy in, easy out. The guard that saw us was really nice and understood the situation we were in (Jay not having his birth certificate) and he allowed us through, told us to have a great trip and for Jay to have fun with his daddy.
Monday, August 22, 2005
About me...
Last person who...
1. Slept in your bed: Baby Jay
2. Saw you cry?: My mother
3. Made you cry: Dr. Lindsay after he poked my little one with needles!
4. You went to the movies with: Jon
5. You went to the mall with: Mom
Have You Ever...
1. Said "I Love You" and meant it: oh yea!
2. Got into a fight with a pet: ?? don't think so...
3. Been to California: Nope
4. Been to Mexico: Nope
5. Been to China: Nope
6. Been to Canada: uh, yes
7. Been to Europe: Yep
8. Danced naked: in my shower, yes...elsewhere...NO
9. Wish you were the opposite sex: sometimes...if only to know what it's like to be able to pee wherever you want...
1. Do you have a crush on someone: I have a crush on my hubby
2. What book are you reading now?: Nothing, I just finished Harry Potter
3. Worst feeling in the world: Being alone
4. Future KIDS names: Mary Elisabeth
5. Do you sleep with a stuffed animal: Nope
6. What's under your bed: photos...BOXES of photos!
7. Favorite sport to watch: Hockey
8. Do you have a job: not right now, i'm on maternity leave
9. Do you like being around people: Oh yes!
10. Have you ever liked someone you had no chance with?: Oh yeah!
11. Have you ever cried: all the time!
12. Are you lonely right now: kind of
13. Song that's stuck in your head a lot: Hollaback Girl
14. Been in love: Yes! I am!
15. Played strip poker: Nope
16. Gotten beaten up: Nope
17. Pulled an all nighter: Oh Yes!
18. Been on radio/tv: Yep, BOTH
(i swiped this quiz from Rachel/Briarrose...thanks girl!)
The Traumatic 2 Month Check-up and Shots!
Today we saw Dr. Lindsay for Jay's 2 month check-up...everything is GREAT! He is completely normal (of course!) 11 pounds, 6 ounces and 23 inches long. Mind you, the one thing that's over-average is the size of his head (LOL! Blame his father). He's in the 60th percentile for weight and height and the 90th percentile for head circumference.
Then came the shots.
I cried more than he did. Dr. Lindsay explained everything to me, what to expect afterwards and what to do if Jay was in pain...cold compress, some tylenol or advil for pain and/or inflamation, lots of rest and food.
Jay was okay, he was a little shocked and let out a terrified yelp at first but then he just calmed down. Leaving me to dissolve into tears.
I hate the sound of his cry. It breaks my heart into a zillion little pieces. I hate knowing my baby is in pain, even if it is for only a split second.
So we left the doctor and went to the mall so Oma could get her hair cut (which looks DEAD sexy by the way!), and he slept in his stroller, probably just tuckered out from all the excitement.
It's 6pm now, and he's had a few moments of pain, where he just started screaming, but that was remedied with a little tylenol and a lot of cuddles and rocking. He just had a big ol bottle and he's been relaxing in his vibro-chair for a little while. I'm hoping he'll take another nap, it'll help him feel better.
We'll see how he's feeling tomorrow...
Blue Jean Baby

I have been DYING to put Jay in these little denim overalls since before he was born.
Today I took them out just to see if they'd fit.
well, they're a little bulky, but he's too perfect in them! I'm so excited! So of course, in true mommy fashion, I bust out my camera and started to take a bunch of pictures. He loves to play up for the camera...he's such a little model! But of course, he soon tired of the 'mamarazzi' and I had to quit.
Note the little 'Spartan' shoes that Auntie Jaime gave him...just to set the record straight, Chris and I are Michigan Wolverines fans, but the shoes were too cute to pass up.

Sunday, August 21, 2005

We leave Thursday morning quite early to get a head start on the day. I will definetely need some prayers because travelling 6+ hours with a 2 month old baby will be a little 'trying' at times. I'm not going to worry because he's so good at travelling. When he was just under 3 weeks old we drove to Sarnia to visit great-grandma, and just recently we made a 2 hour trip to Kingston. He's a well-travelled child!
So today, after we did the outside adventure...we chilled out in the computer room, just crashing out on the futon. And woke up all smiles and sunshine! I think Jay is getting all psyched to go see daddy and visit Nana and Poppa!
Baby Jay in the shade

Hey dudes and dudettes.
Today I decided to drag Jay and all his cool favourite new toys *which he REFUSES to be without* outside to the yard to sit under a tree...it was fun, for about 15 minutes.
I took some pictures, he cooed at me and Oma and generally just flailed around and kicked things. The dog barked at every little thing that walked by...which included this girl who insisted on passing by our yard 14 times. YES, FOURTEEN TIMES. She was on her cell phone, talking loudly to somebody, with varied colourful language. It was really pleasant.
So...despite that, here are some pictures of Jay hanging out on the lawn...

Saturday, August 20, 2005
I LOVE Baby Einstein!
(shameless product endorsement...LOL!)
Jay is completely entranced by his Baby Einstein DVD's. He watches his Baby Bach, Baby Mozart and Baby Beethoven and loves to sing along. We usually have the DVD's playing in the background while we play with toys, or eat. He loves the bright colours and graphics and all the noises.
Thank goodness for Baby Einstein, because there are some times that Jay will be crying so hard and all I have to do is pop in a DVD or start up one of his Baby Einstein cds and he calms right down.
Woo Hoo!
Friday, August 19, 2005
Jay discovers his toys!

Out of the blue today, Jay 'discovered' the little duck, bear and dog on his car seat mobile. He was so entranced with the bright colours!
Playtime today was much more fun, Jay laughed and grabbed at the little duck and bunny finger puppets, and he was thrilled with his big flashy rattle. We had Baby Mozart playing in the background while we tested out all the toys. I think I wore him out because I was so excited that he was noticing all the toys that I showed him EVERYTHING he owned...which is a lot.
So many milestones so quickly! I already mentioned that he was trying to giggle and laugh, well, it's getting closer! Today I got a high pitched squeal out of him...followed by a shocked face! He had no idea where that noise had come from!
Thursday, August 18, 2005
Look at that face.

What a goregous child.
Yesterday he was having a rough time settling down, he didn't nap much, and it was beginning to show, poor baby. I went out for a little while last night while Oma & Opa watched him and I came back to this sleeping little angel!
Jay's sleeping patterns are a little weird, he is only 8 weeks old, so I'm not really interested in pushing him. He sleeps a few times during the day, depending on how he's feeling, and most of the time he gets a good 5-6 hour stretch in at night. It's getting better for me as well! I'm finally able to get more than 2 hours of sleep at a time! Last night baby boy slept from 8pm till midnight and then again from 12:30 (after a feeding) till about 4:30 and then again till 8am.
Not bad eh?
Knock on wood though, I don't wanna jinx myself by saying that! Knowing my luck, tonight will be another 'every 2 hour' spree!
Wednesday, August 17, 2005
More Pics of Baby Jay

My son hates to sleep.
I think I have to get that through my head.
He fights his naps as long as he can and then just passes out.
He didn't have much more than ONE 30 minute nap today.
It's now 10pm and he's CRASHED.
Here are some classic "i don't want to nap" pictures...
Wide eyed baby, laying in his playpen, totally uninterested in sleep.

Ten of Jay's Favourite Things...
1. Playing peek-a-boo
2. Kicking and waving his legs and arms (playing air guitar!)
3. Blowing bubbles
4. Bath-time (when mama sings the 'clean up' song)
5. Listening to daddy's voice on the phone
6. Singing with Baby Bach (Baby Einstein Dvd)
7. Cuddling with Oma
8. Hanging out in the vibro-chair
9. Swatting the blue bear rattle attached to his car seat
10. Kisses from mama
Tuesday, August 16, 2005
Lazy Tuesday...for him, not me.

Last night was nasty.
Jay decided he just didn't need to sleep and refused to go down until midnight, then every 2 hours thereafter he woke up screaming...and NOTHING could pacify him. Not a bottle, not a pacifier, not rocking, dancing...diaper change...NOTHING. (trust me, i exhausted every suggestion I was given).
So at 5am, tired and completely insane, I set Jay in his bed, waited until he was silent, then I turned down the volume on my baby monitor so that I wouldnt be able to hear the little wimpers...but not too much so I could still hear the cries...or so I thought.
I woke up at 7:35 to a SCREAMING baby. I said a quick prayer and went into his room, only to find him laying on his pacifier...it was in his ear. Poor thing. I don't know exactly how long he was crying for, but I doubt it was too long. He was just really ticked that he had a pacifier in his ear. Wouldn't you feel the same?
Anyway, so he had a big 6 ounce bottle at 7:45 and promptly passed out, COLD. He didn't wake up till about noon. How nice for him. Sigh, mommy didn't get to sleep much after that episode.
I find the most difficult thing about parenting alone (for now) is that you really don't have anyone to poke at 4am and say..."your turn"
I think I'd have a lot more sanity if I had Christopher to poke and hand off a feeding to once in a while. Getting up every 2-3 hours is NOT good on my brain. All baby and no sleep makes Erin cRaZy!!!
Mind you, when he gets back here in September, it's time to get DOWN TO BUSINESS! LOL!
I'll do the first feeding as long as he watches Jay in the morning so I can sleep in a wee little bit. Dunno if that's ever going to stick, but it's worth a try. And man, could I ever use the rest!
Monday, August 15, 2005
8 weeks old...STOP GROWING SO FAST!!
He's 8 weeks old today...and is totally out of his 0-3 month clothes.

I'm struggling to keep him little and it's just NOT working. Sigh...
Ugh, this is just hard.
I mean I never thought that time would go by so fast!
Jay is seriously turning into a little man right before my eyes!
Just in the past 2 weeks he's been smiling ALL the time! Giggling a little (although it still sounds like a high pitched cough) and holding his head up so high!
My little boy is getting WAY too big for my liking!
I took some pictures last Thursday for my father-in-law (Poppa Jay) of Baby Jay all decked out in golf gear! He looks way too c